Lisa is a talented, highly experienced and versatile Learning and Development Consultant. She specialises in facilitation of programs, creating measurable and sustainable behaviour change through learning solutions in the areas of communication, leadership and training facilitators.
With over 20 years in Learning and Development she has has a remarkable ability to partner with clients to analyse needs, create and deliver solutions, and engage learners from a wide variety of backgrounds to achieve ‘life-long’ and ‘life-wide’ learning.
As a learning and organisational development professional with extensive experience in staff engagement and development, Lisa combines extensive learning expertise with leadership and management experience to create an approach to learning that is highly energising and effective across all aspects of business.
Her approach to learning is client-focussed, experiential and active participation in learning, and facilitation based, underpinned with a deep understanding of adult learning and the psychology of motivation and engagement.
Key Passion and Purpose
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"A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see and who sees before others see."
Leroy Eimes